A Spotlight on Carers Week and Elder Abuse Day

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Between 10th – 14th June, TSAB will be supporting Carers Week and Elder Abuse Day. Here you will find information about activities happening in your area as well as resources to support with the campaign.

Carers Week is an annual campaign led by Carers UK, “to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support.” The campaign takes place between 10th-16th June 2024 and also coincides with World Elder Abuse Day which occurs on 15th June, providing an opportunity to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect of older people.

Carers Week logo

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Attend the workshops listed above ^

Print and share our Carers Week Posters. You can find these in the next section

Support the activities organised by local carers services by sharing the timetables with your networks

Carers Wales video “Taking on a carers role

TSAB Carers Webpage

TSAB Learning Briefing: “Carers Information and Support”

Carers UK video “Carers’ Assessments

Carers Week website

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day logo

One in six older people are victims of abuse. Elder abuse doesn’t only happen to very frail or sick people, it can happen to any older person in any environment.

In advance of Elder Abuse Day, on 13th June TSAB will formally launch a new animation “Hidden Harms” that highlights the unique challenges that older adults face when domestic abuse occurs, to help support practitioners and families start a conversation with an older adult.

Age UK resource: Protecting Older People from abuse and neglect

Hourglass Resources

TSAB Safeguarding Leaflets and Posters