A Spotlight on Transitional Safeguarding

Transitional Safeguarding is an “approach to safeguarding adolescents and young adults fluidly across developmental stages which builds on the best available evidence, learns from both children’s and adult safeguarding practice and which prepares young people for their adult lives.”

Transitional Safeguarding requires all those working in children’s and adult’s services to “think beyond child/adult silos for the benefit of young people at a key life stage.”

Where there is evidence of abuse, neglect and exploitation as a child, this rarely ends when a person turns 18. We must all work together to prevent and protect these young people from harm regardless of their age.

The Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board, Hartlepool & Stockton Safeguarding Children Partnerships and South Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership have been working together to host an event and to share useful resources to highlight the important of Transitional Safeguarding.

Online Event (Monday 10th February 2025):

We are excited to invite you to an online learning event on Monday 10th February 2025 as part of our campaign “A Spotlight on Transitional Safeguarding”. For further information and to book, view our campaign flyer!

This free event is suitable for all professionals working with children and/ or adults.

“Transitional Safeguarding is an approach to safeguarding adolescents and young adults fluidly across developmental stages which builds on the best available evidence, learns from both children’s and adult safeguarding practice and which prepares young people for their adult lives.  It focuses on safeguarding young people from adolescence into adulthood, recognising transition is a journey not an event, and every young person will experience this journey differently.”

Guest speakers include:

Steve Baguley, Community and Education Lead for National Working Group (NWG). For the past five years, Steve’s role at NWG has enabled him to work with areas across the country on exploitation, adolescent safeguarding and the transition into adulthood. This work has been across both children and adult partnerships, sharing learning, practice, research, and resources to help inform local responses.  Steve will be presenting on exploitation and Transitional Safeguarding.

Mike Ward – Senior Consultant at Alcohol Change UK and Safeguarding Adult Review author. Mike comes from a social work background and was working in alcohol outreach in the 1980s in London. Mike is now a full-time consultant and trainer and has worked in the substance misuse/mental health field for over thirty years. Mike has undertaken a number of Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) and will be presenting on a local SAR – Jack, which features key themes including self-neglect due to mismanagement of diabetes, substance misuse, homelessness/housing, transitional safeguarding, cross boundary working, engagement and mental capacity.

Plus further speakers to be announced…

a poster of a group of people walking

Useful Resources

Linked below are some useful resources to support practitioners knowledge and awareness of transitional safeguarding.

This short animation developed by Research in Practice sets out what Transitional Safeguarding is and why it matters. It is intended to be highly accessible, rather than a resource for those who already understand Transitional Safeguarding in more detail.

What is Transitional Safeguarding and why does it matter?

The National Working Group (NWG) in partnership with the Children’s Society, Barnardo’s and the West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership have developed a 7 Minute Briefing for Frontline Practitioners on The NRM and Transitioning into Adulthood to provide practitioners with the knowledge and tools necessary to guide vulnerable children and young people effectively through a pivotal time in their lives.

The NRM and Transitioning to Adulthood: 7 Minute Briefing

Bridging the Gap is aimed at all those committed to ensuring high quality social work
with young adults, from practitioners and people receiving support
through to strategic leaders across local safeguarding partnerships.

Bridging the gap: Transitional Safeguarding and the role of social work with adults

This resource has been developed by the Transitional Safeguarding Reference Group, hosted by Partners in Care and Health. 

Transitional safeguarding resources

This briefing is aimed at all health colleagues involved in safeguarding children and young
adults accessing healthcare – from practitioners and people receiving support through to
commissioners, strategic leaders, and others with accountability for safeguarding in health
services. This briefing will also be useful for those who don’t usually work with young people and/
or young adults directly but who nevertheless provide care or support to their family members or

Transitional Safeguarding: A Knowledge Briefing for Healthcare Professionals


The Adults & Children Safeguarding Partner Organisations across Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland and Stockton-on-Tees actively support the ‘Think Family’ approach and are committed to the continuous learning and development of all staff and volunteers working with vulnerable people: adults, children, young people and families.

There are often crossovers between children and adult safeguarding work and therefore it is recognised that people who work with children and/or adults greatly benefit from having access to a wide range of safeguarding courses available in one place.

E-Learning courses that may be useful (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Adult Sexual Exploitation
  • Criminal Exploitation and County Lines
  • Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
  • Self-Harm
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Substance Misuse
  • Mental Capacity Act (MCA applies to people aged 16 and over)
  • Trauma Awareness
  • Information Sharing and Consent

Safeguarding All (Adults & Children) E-Learning

Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

In an emergency always call 999.

Report a concern for a child living in Hartlepool:

The Children’s Hub – 01429 284284

[email protected]

Report a concern for a child living in Stockton-on-Tees:

The Children’s Hub – 01642 130080

[email protected]

Report a concern for a child living in Middlesbrough:

Middlesbrough MACH: 01642 726004

[email protected]    

Report a concern for a child living in Redcar & Cleveland:   

Redcar and Cleveland MACH: 01642 130700                

[email protected]


To report a concern for an adult living in Hartlepool, Stockton, Middlesbrough or Redcar and Cleveland visit:

Report Abuse | Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board

If you have a concern for an adult or a child outside of office hours, call the Emergency Duty Team (EDT): 01642 524 552