Training Courses & Events

Training Courses 2025 – 26

TSAB provide a range of face to face and virtual training courses.

All the training we provide is free, but in an attempt to ensure that every place booked is a place used we do implement a charging policy to cover late cancellations or failure to attend. Please familiarise yourself with the details before requesting a place: Charging Policy

Courses and Events will be promoted via our Newsletter and Mailing List. If you are not currently on our mailing list to receive the TSAB Newsletter, or notification of when training events are opened for booking requests, please complete the GDPR TSAB Consent Form at (you can choose to opt out at any time).

We are in the process of planning our schedule for April 2025 – March 2026 and dates will be added below once we have them.


Full day webinar session via Microsoft Teams facilitated by Talking Lives


Delegates will understand what Adult Sexual and Adult Criminal Exploitation is, the crimes that are committed against Vulnerable Adults and explore agency practice and responsibilities.

Who should apply for this course?

  • The course is aimed at adult social care staff and multi agency workers

Topics Covered: 

  • What does adult safeguarding entail?
  • What is MSP?
  • ASE – What does the law say in relation to sexual offences exercise? What is sexual? What is consent? How do we prove ‘criminal intent’? Introduction to sexual offences act 2003 Mental Capacity Act and Consent
  • ACE – What crimes can be committed on, and/or get vulnerable adults to commit? Why would a criminal use a vulnerable adult? What do these terms mean, Catfished? Cuckooed? Gaslighted? Survival sex?
  • Offending behaviour explored and explained.
  • Risk assessment for both ACE and ASE
  • Agency practice and responsibilities
  • Questioning techniques for vulnerable adults
Course DatesRequest a Place
19th June 2025Not yet open for bookings
27th January 2026Not yet open for bookings


Two half day webinar sessions or 1 Full Day face to face facilitated by Yo Dunn.


To support practitioners in applying learning from SARs and case law to complex adult safeguarding cases.

Topics Covered

  • Refusal to engage
  • Substance misuse
  • Self-neglect
  • Executive capacity
  • The inherent jurisdiction
  • How do we know if we have done everything?
  • Mental Capacity: relationships, sex and social media
  • Coercion and undue influence
  • Civil Order and other options
  • Domestic Abuse

Who should apply for this course?

Professionals with responsibility for Safeguarding Adults including:

  • Senior Practitioners
  • Team Leaders
  • Managers
  • Safeguarding Leads in Partner Organisations
  • Officers from Cleveland Police working with vulnerable adults

Entry Requirements:

Delegates will need to attend the Adult Safeguarding – Essential Legal Literacy and Adult Safeguarding in a Multi Agency Context courses prior to attending this course.

Course DatesRequest a Place
Webinar – 8th & 9th July 2025Not yet open for bookings
Face to Face – 20th January 2026Not yet open for bookings


2-Hour webinar session facilitated by Yo Dunn.


To refresh knowledge and ensure a secure foundation of legal literacy for Safeguarding Adults work.

Topics Covered

  • The Section 42 Duty
  • Human Rights
  • Proportionality
  • Duty of Care
  • Specific and detailed capacity assessment
  • Better quality best interests decision-making

Who should apply for this course?

Professionals with responsibility for Safeguarding Adults including:

  • Senior Practitioners
  • Team Leaders
  • Managers
  • Safeguarding Leads in Partner Organisations
  • Officers from Cleveland Police working with vulnerable adults
Course DatesRequest a Place
17th June 2025Not yet open for bookings
24th September 2025Not yet open for bookings


2-Hour webinar session facilitated by Yo Dunn.


To refresh and develop legal literacy around multi-agency working in the Safeguarding Adults context.

Topics Covered

  • The legal basis of collaboration and co-operation
  • Information sharing between agencies
  • Responsibility and accountability in decision-making
  • Resolving disputes and disagreement (including the role of the SAB and professional challenge)

Who should apply for this course?

Professionals with responsibility for Safeguarding Adults including:

  • Senior Practitioners
  • Team Leaders
  • Managers
  • Safeguarding Leads in Partner Organisations
  • Officers from Cleveland Police working with vulnerable adults
Course DatesRequest a Place
24th September 2025Not yet open for bookings


2-Hour webinar session facilitated by Yo Dunn


To support staff in understanding s.117 responsibilities

Topics Covered

  • Entitlement to s.117 funding: how it arises, how it ends
  • Interaction between s.117 funding and other sources of funding including Care Act, CHC etc.
  • Division of responsibilities between health and social care for s.117 cases and the implications for assessments, care management, safeguarding etc.
  • S.117 and young people in transition from children’s to adult’s services
  • Brief outline of s.117 ordinary residence

Who should apply for this course?

Professionals with responsibility for Safeguarding Adults including:

  • Senior Practitioners
  • Team Leaders
  • Managers
  • Safeguarding Leads in Partner Organisations
  • Officers from Cleveland Police working with vulnerable adults
Course DatesRequest a Place
17th June 2025Not yet open for bookings
25th September 2025Not yet open for bookings


One full day face to face or two half day webinar sessions facilitated by Nikki Sidgwick


The course aims to equip practitioners and managers who work with adults at risk with the knowledge, skills and confidence, to ensure that all Safeguarding interventions are person centered, and include the person (or their advocate) in identifying and achieving their desired outcome.

Who should apply?

The content is suitable for professionally qualified staff and those who work directly with people across statutory and non-statutory agencies. The course is particularly relevant for staff involved with adults at risk and those who may be required to submit a Safeguarding Concern; this includes: health and social care workers, Safeguarding Leads in Health and Social Care, Officers from Cleveland Police working with vulnerable adults, Safeguarding Leads in Cleveland Fire Brigade and Registered Managers and their Deputies,* Day Service Managers and Clinical Matrons.

*For Registered Managers and Deputies, it is recommended that you attend our Safeguarding Adults Training for Managers of Services in the first instance. For further information, please go to our training resources page.

Course Content

  • The legal and policy context of Making Safeguarding Personal, including The Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005, models of personalisation
  • National feedback and research on Making Safeguarding Personal
  • The individual’s experience of being involved in a safeguarding enquiry
  • How applying the Mental Capacity Act ensures that individuals are supported appropriately with decision making and enabled to participate in the process ensuring their wishes and feelings are paramount
  • Demonstration of best practice in applying Making Safeguarding Personal using the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Procedures
  • Demonstration of skills and knowledge that contribute to making a safeguarding adults enquiry personalised
  • How to identify and ensure personalised outcomes for the individual within Safeguarding procedures
  • How to make best use of advocacy and/ or family and friends for the individual
  • Evaluation of the experience with the individual, what lessons can be learned?

Entry Requirements

Staff will be expected to have relevant prior training (i.e. in Safeguarding Adults, MCA), at level 1 or above, prior to attending this course. Completion of the Safeguarding Adults Awareness Workbook will meet this requirement. This training is relevant for practitioners and managers who work directly with an Adult at Risk, and/or those involved in safeguarding investigations and conferences.

Course DatesRequest a Place
26th June 2025 (Face to Face)Not yet open for bookings
4th & 11th December 2025 (Webinar)Not yet open for bookings


Half day webinar session facilitated by Dr Alister Bull, Hope for Justice


Hope for Justice deliver high quality, award winning, interactive online training to ensure you will have the confidence needed to successfully identify victims or cases of Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Exploitation and respond appropriately

Topics Covered

  • Explain what Human Trafficking and Exploitation is and identify the different types that exist
  • Recognise the signs and indicators of Human Trafficking and Exploitation
  • Respond appropriately to a case / victim of Human Trafficking and Exploitation
Course DatesRequest a Place
6th June 2024Course Now Fully Booked
5th November 2024Course Now Fully Booked


Two Day Face to Face course facilitated by Yo Dunn


The course aims to equip managers of services to be confident in their role of preventing and responding to abuse, applying the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) legislation and managing safe services.

Who should apply for this course?

Managers of services including:

  • Registered Managers and their Deputies
  • Day Service Managers
  • Clinical Matrons
  • Safeguarding Leads in Health and Social Care Services
  • Officers from Cleveland Police working with vulnerable adults
  • Safeguarding Leads in Cleveland Fire Brigade

Staff will be expected to have completed Level 1 safeguarding training prior to attending this course.

Day 1 – Safeguarding Adults

  • Understand the requirements of The Care Act 2014 in relation to safeguarding adults
  • Understand and be able to apply the Teeswide Inter-agency policy and procedures
  • Demonstrate skills and knowledge to contribute effectively to a safeguarding adults enquiry
  • Ensure adults at risk are supported appropriately to be involved and represented in a safeguarding adults enquiry
  • Have awareness and practical application of a range of local and national legal, multi-agency policy and procedural frameworks when undertaking safeguarding adults activity
  • Have awareness of the legislative framework affecting choice, capacity and decision making
  • Explore safeguarding preventative approaches within health and care settings
  • Understand and be able to apply responsibilities in relation to Regulation 13: Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment
  • Understand the importance of good record keeping and information sharing in relation to safeguarding activity.

Day 2 – Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

  • Understand legal responsibilities under MCA and DoLS and the implications on practice
  • Be able to apply the principles of the MCA when managing care services
  • Use a framework for supporting and involving people when making decisions
  • Have explored with colleagues how human rights principles inform good practice when supporting people to make decisions
  • Have a clear understanding of the links between human rights, MCA and DoLS
  • Understand the implications of the Cheshire West judgment in relation to Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
Course DatesRequest a Place
23rd & 24th June 2025Not yet open for bookings
21st & 22nd January 2026Not yet open for bookings

Please note that this is a refresher course which is designed for delegates that have already completed the full Safeguarding Adults Training for Managers of Services course previously


One day face to face course facilitated by Yo Dunn


To refresh registered managers knowledge of how to fulfil their responsibilities to safeguard adults.

Who should apply for this course?

Managers of services including:

  • Registered Managers and their Deputies
  • Day Service Managers
  • Clinical Matrons
  • Safeguarding Leads in Health and Social Care Services
  • Officers from Cleveland Police working with vulnerable adults
  • Safeguarding Leads in Cleveland Fire Brigade

Learning Objectives:

  • Revise and reflect on the application in practice of the 6 key principles underpinning adult safeguarding
  • Refresh the skills and knowledge needed to contribute effectively to a safeguarding Adults Enquiry
  • Reflect on the need for effective communication and working together
  • Revisit the legislative framework supporting safeguarding adults
  • Refresh and update knowledge of legal responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act and the implications for practice

Course Content:

  • Overview and prevention
  • Recognising and responding to safeguarding concerns
  • Working with adults at risk
  • Information sharing
Course DatesRequest a Place
3rd March 2026Not yet open for bookings


One day face to face or two half day webinar sessions facilitated by Nikki Sidgwick


The course aims to increase knowledge about Self-neglect, the impact that it can have on an individual and to increase understanding and confidence in the use of Local Risk Management policies.


  • What is self-neglect? – why do people self-neglect, it is more than hoarding
  • Legal framework – including Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Mental Health Act 1983
  • Policy framework – Making Safeguarding Personal and Think Family
  • Research into self-neglect and effective practice – including professional curiosity, interventions that work, barriers to good practice and how to overcome them
  • Learning from Safeguarding  Adult Reviews – including the TSAB self-neglect procedure in practice and professional challenge

Entry Requirements: 

Delegates should have a basic awareness of Safeguarding, types of abuse and current legislation.  The content is suitable for anyone working with individuals who may be at risk of Self-neglect. Staff will be expected to have relevant prior training (i.e. in Safeguarding Adults, MCA), at level 1 or above, prior to attending this course. Completion of the Safeguarding Adults Awareness Workbook will meet this requirement. We would also recommend completing the TSAB Self-Neglect Workbook prior to attending this course.

Course DatesRequest a Place
3rd July 2025 (Face to face)Not yet open for bookings
9th & 16th October 2025 (Webinar)Not yet open for bookings
10th & 17th March 2026 (Webinar)Not yet open for bookings


Half day webinar session facilitated by Mike Ward, Alcohol Change UK


The aim of this course is to:

  • Encourage and enable professionals in England to use legal frameworks to manage and protect chronic dependent drinkers.

Its focus is on how to make most effective use of the three main legal powers which can protect vulnerable dependent drinkers:

  • the Care Act 2014 in England or Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014
  • the Mental Capacity Act, and
  • the Mental Health Act

It also focuses on a handful of other relevant measures such as anti-social behaviour powers. In addition, it emphasises the importance of a process framework that will enable the powers to be used most effectively.

Who should apply for this course?

The course is appropriate for staff in all services who work with people who are at risk of alcohol-related harm. This will include anyone working in public-facing roles in health, social care, criminal justice, community safety, housing, homelessness, domestic abuse or other welfare roles.

Course DatesRequest a Place
3rd June 2025Not yet open for bookings
4th November 2025Not yet open for bookings

We offer 2 versions of this course aimed at different groups of staff. Please read both course descriptions and select the option that is applicable to your job role. Delegates should not apply for both versions of the course.


One day face to face course facilitated by Nikki Sidgwick


The course aims to increase the knowledge of practitioners and managers who work with adults at risk in the purpose and function of a safeguarding enquiry, and to improve skills and confidence for conducting a safeguarding enquiry.

Course Content

  • The legal context of Safeguarding, including Making Safeguarding Personal, The Care Act 2014 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • The purpose and aim of a Safeguarding Enquiry and how it should link to the outcomes identified by the individual
  • The role of the investigator
  • Completing an enquiry – information gathering, consideration of capacity, communicating with the individual, families and perpetrators
  • How to investigate in conjunction with other procedures including HR processes or police enquiries
  • How to escalate a concern if the initial enquiry appears to be more high risk
  • Professional challenge when it appears that referrals are not responded to in the way expected
  • Report writing using the TSAB template
  • Providing evidence at a Safeguarding meeting

Entry Requirements

Staff will be expected to have relevant prior training (i.e. in Safeguarding Adults, MCA), at level 1 and 2, prior to attending this course. Completion of the TSAB Safeguarding Adults Awareness workbook and The Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards workbook will meet this requirement.

Course DatesRequest a Place
13 November 2025Not yet open for bookings


One day face to face session facilitated by Nikki Sidgwick


The course aims to increase the knowledge of practitioners and managers who work with adults at risk in the purpose and function of a complex safeguarding enquiry, and to improve skills and confidence for conducting a safeguarding enquiry.

Course Content

  • The legal context of Safeguarding, including Making Safeguarding Personal, The Care Act 2014 and the Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • The purpose and aim of a Safeguarding Enquiry and how it should link to the outcomes identified by the individual
  • The role of the investigator
  • Completing an enquiry – information gathering, consideration of capacity, communicating with the individual, families and perpetrators
  • How to investigate in conjunction with other procedures including HR processes or police enquiries and Court of Protection
  • How to keep people safe
  • Professional Curiosity and Professional Challenge
  • How to investigate complex and high risk situations
  • How to manage conflict
  • Report writing in the context of potential court proceedings
  • Providing evidence at a Safeguarding meeting

Entry Requirements

Staff will be expected to have relevant prior training (i.e. in Safeguarding Adults, MCA), at level 1 and 2, prior to attending this course and should also have some prior experience of involvement in safeguarding enquiries. Completion of the TSAB Safeguarding E Learning and The Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards workbook will meet this requirement.

Course DatesRequest a Place
4th February 2026Not yet open for bookings


Half day webinar session via Microsoft Teams facilitated by Amanda Chalmers


The course aims to equip those working with adults who have symptoms of trauma to understand in more depth how adversity in childhood has affected them and how they can move on from it. It gives practical advice and insight into helping people grow from trauma.

Who should apply for this course?

  • Healthcare professionals
  • Officers from the Cleveland Police working with vulnerable adults
  • Social care
  • Recovery workers (drug and alcohol)
  • Safeguarding Leads
  • Mental health professionals
  • Domestic abuse support workers
  • Housing officers

Course Aims & Objectives

  • Revisit the basics of trauma informed care and ACEs
  • Understand the concept of the brain story and how the effects of toxic stress without support can lead to physical and mental trauma symptoms.
  • Explore ACE’s in more detail and gain practical knowledge on how to repair the damage.
  • Gain and understanding of the emotional mind and how it can work against us.
  • Gain practical tips on how to help people self-regulate.
  • Explore how to implement learning using a real life case study.

Entry Requirements

Delegates should have a basic awareness of Trauma Informed Care. We would also recommend completing the TSAB e-learning module on Trauma Informed Practice prior to attending this course. This can be accessed via our e-learning webpage:

Course DatesRequest a Place
May / June 2025Date to be confirmed
14th October 2025Not yet open for bookings
13th January 2026Not yet open for bookings
24th March 2026Not yet open for bookings

For more information on all of the training that TSAB offer, which also includes e-Learning modules and workbooks, please refer to our Training Plan

TSAB Events

Please see our Calendar of Awareness Campaigns. Events for these campaigns can be found below.