Charging Policy 2024 Version 2


The Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board (TSAB) is committed to supporting the provision of free multi-agency safeguarding adults training. The funding of learning, training and development opportunities is provided by our statutory partners and allocated on an annual basis to meet the identified training priorities. The TSAB has agreed that although multi-agency training will be provided free, a charge will be applied for late cancellations and non-attendance. The Charging Policy will apply to both face to face and webinar training.


Cancellation more than 7 calendar days before the course start date*:

•    All cancellations must be made by email to: [email protected]

Please note: Emails sent directly to the training facilitator, or declining the Teams invite will not be accepted as a form of cancellation

•    No telephone cancellations will be accepted

•    No charge will be applied

Cancellation 7 calendar days or less before the course start date* or failure to attend on the day:

•    Written notification must be sent to the TSAB Business Unit from the delegate or their line manager by email to: [email protected]

Please note: Emails sent directly to the training facilitator, or declining the Teams invite will not be accepted as a form of cancellation

•    Where written notification is not received 7 calendar days before the course start date or where there is insufficient reason for non-attendance, a charge of £50 per day will be made

•    If any additional costs have been incurred these will also be charged in full, for example, interpreter services.

•    If the learner is unable to attend the course on the day, due to unforeseen circumstances (such as illness) then written notification from the line manager must be sent to the TSAB Business Unit and consideration will be given to a waiver of the charges if this is deemed appropriate. Please note this is at the discretion of the TSAB Business Unit

•    If the employing agency is able to provide an appropriate substitute delegate to attend the training, the TSAB Business Unit must be informed in writing, and the charge will be waived

* Where courses consist of more than one session the course start date is the date of the first session. Delegates must attend all sessions for the training to be deemed complete.

When requesting a place all applicants are asked to provide the details for their Line Manager who will be notified if their member of staff has been offered a place on the training. In the event that the member of staff is no longer able to attend due to absence from work, or having left the organisation, the Line Manager will be responsible for cancelling the place in line with the procedures above.

For face to face sessions it is the responsibility of all delegates to ensure they have signed the attendee list at the beginning of each training course day. Any delegates who have not signed the attendee list will be considered a non-attendee and will be charged accordingly.

For webinar sessions delegates should ensure, prior to the session, that they have access to the required IT equipment to be able to access the training.

Where places have been allocated to students the hosting organisation will be responsible for any cancellation charges incurred.

The Board reserves the right to levy charges at a higher level for training commissioned from specialist training organisations, where the cost of the course exceeds £50 per delegate.