Making Safeguarding Personal

2 x Half Day Webinar Sessions:

Thursday 21st and Thursday 28th November 2024 (9.30am – 12.30pm)*

*Delegates must be able to attend both sessions

Facilitated by Nikki Sidgwick

Nikki is a trainer and social work consultant who works across the public sector with specialisms in Safeguarding Adults, Mental Capacity and Mental Health. She is experienced in working closely with professionals in Local Authorities, NHS, police and Courts.


The course aims to equip practitioners and managers who work with adults at risk with the knowledge, skills and confidence, to ensure that all Safeguarding interventions are person centered, and include the person (or their advocate) in identifying and achieving their desired outcome.

Who should apply?

The content is suitable for professionally qualified staff and those who work directly with people across statutory and non-statutory agencies. The course is particularly relevant for staff involved with adults at risk and those who may be required to submit a Safeguarding Concern; this includes: health and social care workers, Safeguarding Leads in Health and Social Care, Officers from the Cleveland Police working with vulnerable adults, Safeguarding Leads in Cleveland Fire Brigade and Registered Managers and their Deputies,* Day Service Managers and Clinical Matrons.

*For Registered Managers and Deputies, it is recommended that you attend our Safeguarding Adults Training for Managers of Services in the first instance. For further information, please go to our training resources page.

Course Content:

  • The legal and policy context of Making Safeguarding Personal, including The Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005, models of personalisation
  • National feedback and research on Making Safeguarding Personal
  • The individual’s experience of being involved in a safeguarding enquiry
  • How applying the Mental Capacity Act ensures that individuals are supported appropriately with decision making and enabled to participate in the process ensuring their wishes and feelings are paramount
  • Demonstration of best practice in applying Making Safeguarding Personal using the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Procedures
  • Demonstration of skills and knowledge that contribute to making a safeguarding adults enquiry personalised
  • How to identify and ensure personalised outcomes for the individual within Safeguarding procedures
  • How to make best use of advocacy and/ or family and friends for the individual
  • Evaluation of the experience with the individual, what lessons can be learned?

Entry Requirements:

Staff will be expected to have relevant prior training (i.e. in Safeguarding Adults, MCA), at level 1 or above, prior to attending this course. Completion of the Safeguarding Adults Awareness Workbook will meet this requirement. This training is relevant for practitioners and managers who work directly with an Adult at Risk, and/or those involved in safeguarding investigations and conferences.

Delivery of the Course:

The webinar sessions will be delivered via Microsoft Teams.

Requesting a Place:

If you would like to request a place, please complete the form below – One form per person is required (if you are completing on behalf of someone else, please ensure to include their email address and not your own/or a generic email address). Please note that submitting a form does not guarantee a place, however we suggest that you provisionally book the date in your diary. These training sessions are usually oversubscribed and therefore allocation of places will be determined on a number of factors. Please ensure that you provide as much detail as possible on the ‘why you want to attend’ section of the form.  If you have already registered as a user please remember to log into your account prior to completing the form.

You will be informed of the outcome of your application by email from the TSAB Business Unit. Places are not confirmed until this point. If you are unsuccessful your name may be added to a waiting list.

Our courses are free to attend, however we do limit the number of places that we offer to ensure that all delegates have the opportunity to participate during the session, so if your place is confirmed and you are no longer able to attend please inform the Business Unit by email as soon as possible so that we have the chance to offer your place to another delegate . Any cancellations must be received by email no later than 11.30pm on Wednesday 13th November 2024.  Cancellation after this date or failure to attend both sessions will result in a £50 charge.

Existing Users: If you have used the website before to apply for a place then you will have an existing user account.  Please select the log-in option at the top of the form to request a place before completing all the fields, otherwise you will be unable to submit the form when you get to the end.

New Users: If this is the first time you have requested a place on training via our website then please complete the form to request a place. You will receive an email from ‘WordPress’ which will explain how to set up your password to enable you to access your account in the future. (The email may appear in your junk folder).  Please do not use a generic email address – accounts should be set up using an individual email.

Charging Policy

Disclaimer and Privacy Statement

We will hold the information you provide in order to administrate and deliver this event.

Details of organisations that have attended the course may be shared with the relevant Local Authority.

For further details please click here:

If you have any queries please contact the Business Unit on [email protected]

Submit your Interest

Please ensure your email address is correct - we will use this to contact you about your place

All remaining fields on the form should be the details for the person who wishes to attend the event.

Please select your main location of work

Please include STD code in landline numbers

Please provide as much information as possible - our events are often over subscribed. When allocating places this helps us to understand who will be able to make the best use of the training

The assumption will be made that you have their approval to attend where required. In the event that you fail to attend the event they will be contacted in line with our Charging Policy

This should be your head office address

You can opt out at any time by contacting [email protected]

1. If unable to attend, the TSAB Business Unit MUST be informed 7 days prior to the event at the very latest. Cancellation after this date or failure to attend will result in a £50 charge (per day). The TSAB Charging Policy will apply to all bookings

2. Where required, approval from your Line Manager has been sought to attend this event.

3. Where applicable, I have the appropriate level of training specified for this event/course.

4. Details supplied on this form will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Statement.

5. On occasion the TSAB Business Unit may take photographs for use in our own publications and on social media. If you do not wish to appear in TSAB photographs please inform the Business Unit in writing prior to the event.