TSAB have produced a range of 7-minute briefings as a quick and simple way to share learning on various safeguarding topics. Research tells us that 7 minutes is the optimal time span that we are able to concentrate and learning is more memorable as it is simple and not clouded by other issues and pressures.
The short briefings will not have all the answers, but it is hoped that they will act as a catalyst to help teams and their managers to discuss and reflect on their practice and systems.
Collected learning briefings
- Adult Sexual Exploitation (pdf) (February 2024)
- County Lines Learning Briefing (webpage) (September 2023)
- Duty to Refer (Homelessness Reduction Act 2017) Briefing (webpage) (February 2023)
- Fire Risks – Learning Briefing (webpage) (September 2023)
- Information for Care Providers around Mental Capacity Act and Best Interest Decisions (webpage) (Stephen Lessons Learned Review) (November 2022)
- Information for Carers (webpage) (Stephen Lessons Learned Review) (January 2025)
- **NEW!**Professional Challenge Briefing (October 2024)
- **NEW!** Professional Curiosity Briefing (October 2024)
- Self-Neglect – 7 Minute Guides (Short Guidance for Practitioners) (January 2024)
- Vulnerable Dependent Drinkers Learning Briefing (webpage) (August 2024)
Learning Briefings are also published for our Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs), they aim to raise awareness of the learning and to promote reflective discussions amongst front-line practitioners and operational managers working within our partner agencies.
The SAR Learning Briefings can be found on our dedicated SAR Reports page.