Report Abuse

What is Abuse?

Abuse may take the form of a single or series of acts, large or small, whose impact ‘adversely affects’ the individual. Sometimes these abusive acts maybe deliberate on the part of the perpetrator, but they can also be unintentional.

An adult may experience several types of abuse at the same time, and although the different forms of abuse are presented below individually, there is often a lot of overlap between them. It is also important that people should not restrict their view of what abuse and neglect can actually mean. The following definitions are a ‘guide’ to what this can entail, with exploitation being a common theme:

SCIE: At a glance adult safeguarding – types and indicators of abuse

When to Report Abuse

  • The adult has needs for care and support (whether or not the authority is meeting any of those needs)
  • And is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect

How to Report Abuse and Neglect

You can report very serious abuse and neglect to Cleveland Police by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency

You can report suspected abuse and neglect using a Concern Form (docx).

If you would like some help on how to complete a Concern Form, please see our EXAMPLE Concern Forms.

Alternatively If you are worried or want to talk to someone, contact your local Social Care Service.


01429 523 390
SMS: 078336 72357
[email protected]


01642 065 070
[email protected]

Redcar & Cleveland

01642 771 500
[email protected]


01642 527 764
[email protected]

Evenings and Weekends

01642 524 552

Do not report abuse or neglect to the TSAB Business Unit

Reporting abuse or neglect to Police if you are deaf, hard of hearing or are speech impaired

In an emergency

  • Dial 18000 through the Relay app or textphone
  • Text the emergency number 999. You MUST register your mobile phone number before using this service. You only need to do this once. Send a text message to the number 999, with the word ‘Register’, and follow the simple instructions. Find out more about the Emergency Text Service.
  • British Sign Language (BSL) users can use the video relay service where an interpreter will help you report the crime to Police.


  • BSL users can use the SignLive app to contact Cleveland Police
  • Report online to Cleveland Police

For more information on contacting Police visit Cleveland Police’s website

Consider risks to others – ‘Think Family’

Consideration must also be given as to whether anyone else is at risk as a result of an adult’s mental capacity. This may include children or other adults with care and support needs. Whilst actions may be limited in relation to the individual themselves, there may be a duty to take action to safeguard others. Should there be a concern that a parent may be neglecting children in their care, concerns must be reported to Children’s’ Social Care: Safeguarding Children Partnerships

Also See: Think Family Guidance Local Policies, Strategies and Procedures

If you need any further information or advice you can also contact:
Business Unit Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board: 01642 527263 [email protected]