Page 30 - Adult C Overview Report - FINAL
P. 30
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What did your agency understand of Adult C’s decisional capacity at various points in the timeline
for this review? What evidence is there regarding the considerations given to the impact of
alcohol and domestic abuse on decision making. Please give examples of how this was
understood. Please provide thorough analysis of application of the Mental Capacity Act.
6.3. Managing Risk of Domestic Abuse
How did your agency engage in responding to the ongoing domestic abuse that Adult C was
subject to? What was your agency’s involvement in MARAC meetings? Analyse effectiveness of
plans and responses and suggest learning from this.
6.4. Management of Perpetrators
What was your understanding of prevention measures in place to manage the risk from identified
perpetrators? Please analyse the effectiveness of the system to manage perpetrators of domestic
abuse in this case. Please include when Adult C was considered a perpetrator.
6.5. Effectiveness of the Safeguarding System
How were safeguarding processes applied? What was your agency’s involvement in the
safeguarding processes? Please include referrals, strategy meetings and closures. Provide
evidence and discuss this against expected safeguarding processes.
6.6. Family Involvement
How did your agency engage with Adult C’s family? What did you understand of the relationship
between Adult C and family? How were they included in plans and assessments?
6.7. Documentation
Please identify if documentation was in line with agency requirements. If not, please analyse why
this might be.
6.8. Good Practice
Please identify examples of good practice from your agency and others.
7. Independent Reviewer and Chair
The named independent reviewer commissioned for this Learning Lessons Review is Karen Rees.
8. Organisations to be involved with the review:
CCG for the GP Practice